Tarpon? Yes, Tarpon!

Who’d of thought there would still be tarpon rolling in Boca Ciega Bay in November? But, they’re there. Saw three seperate pods on Sunday, unmistakebly tarpon. The dockhand had seen some the week before, too. Time to get out the heavy tackle?

As far as Pass-A-Grille Merry Pier fishing, it was business as usual. Showed up for 5 hours Saturday, and 7 on Sunday. Pretty good crowd, too. Saturday, on the incoming tide, 10 to 16 inch grouper were a given on pretty much every cast, but no sign of the big boys. Snapper are gone, as are the snook. The season change is evident, doubly so when I pulled in a decent pair of flounder. Looking forward to the days when they come in thick!

Sunday, it was Spanish Mackeral in the morning. Every cast of the silver 1/2 ounce Kastmaster resulted in a quick hit, with some 3-4 pound fish in the mix. Eventually, got tired of catching them, and it was on to grouper and sheepshead. No flounder, but a guy pulled up a very nice redfish. I had couple of big hits (and subsequent break-offs) under the pier, and I suspect that’s what they were.

Off to Arizona Wednesday, so no fishing for a while. I’ll be hitting it hard come Thanksgiving weekend, though- reports to follow.

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