One Fish… Two Fish… REDFISH! BLUEFISH!
So, I ushered in 2007 on the Merry Pier. Tim from Tampa joined me for a rainy day of fishing. Catch of the day was redfish. Lots of ’em. And all just an inch or so shy of being legal. Ahh, so close. Maybe in a month or so.
Also caught a few bluefish- a nice surprise. Small, but healthy. Rounding out the day were whiting, lizardfish, a lane snapper, pinfish a’plenty, puffers (you there, Matt?), sand perch, and a pelican. Typical.
The reds were schooling under the remaining bait schools, and readily attacked live shrimp. I was broken off by a huge one… but the rest were all in the 16-17″ range, and quite aggressive.