Getting Ready for Kingfish Season 2008

While the main push of kingfish is still a few weeks away, I’ve been readying the tackle box in anticipation. Meanwhile, I managed to spend a couple of hours in St. Pete Beach fishing at the Merry Pier. I saw a couple of undersized snook caught over at the ‘bowling alley’, the old piling immediately north of the pier, along with some small sheepshead.

I managed a mixed bag of grouper, Spanish macks and ladyfish. There’s still not enogh bait around foy the macs to show up in force yet. One interesting note- I saw a nice 3 pould pompano caught by ‘Lita, a Merry Pier regular. Good fish! From the rumor department, a guy came into the bait shop talking about a tourist who hooked a doormat flounder (in the 10 pound range). He got it up to the seawall, had no clue what it was, and cut the line when he saw the teeth. Yipes!

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